Punjab Police Security Job 2024 Matric Base Salary (30000-90000)||What is the last date to apply for Punjab Police 2024?


If you want to get updates about new vacancies in the Punjab Police Security Job, then I will guide you in detail about one new vacancy, because recently Punjab Police has announced a job for a Station Assistant i.e. Security Department.

Punjab police have announced jobs for station assistants in the security department, these jobs start from normal matriculation and intermediate. you apply.

Punjab Police Security Job

What is the last date to apply for Punjab Police 2024?

Date of Post

30th April 2024


18 to 28 Years




Punjab Police



Last Date

25 July 2024

Punjab Police is one of the government and security agencies of Pakistan. It is responsible for the security and safety of Punjab province within Pakistan.

Like other institutions, there are different types of departments within Punjab Police. Punjab Police provides security in different departments and different sectors.

Station Assistant is also a branch of the Punjab Police, apart from this, the Punjab Police provides security in different types of hospitals, in different types of assemblies, and also to different types of government officials. That is, jobs have been organized to form security on top of the station and to run the station staff.

A station assistant runs a railway station i.e. looks after all its administrative security matters well and performs security duties in it. Plays its role in service.

Benefits of Punjab Police Security Job:

Different benefits of the Punjab Police Security job but we Explain some main benefits:

  • Each department of Punjab Police is offered a very good salary which increases with the salary grade.
  • Even in Punjab Police, you can get promoted along with your qualifications and education and if you go from one grade to another, your allowances and salary, etc.
  • In Punjab police also retirees are given excellent pensions after retirement apart from in-duty allowances from time to time.
  • It has different types of departments if you have gone into security and you can go to higher positions according to your hard work and ability.
  • Every policeman is given medical care and free treatment is available to him and his family.
  • The Punjab Police works in various departments within the Punjab to deal with security matters.

    Punjab Police Security Job
    Punjab Police Security Job

What are the criteria to apply to Punjab Police?

There are some criteria to apply in Punjab Police which you can keep in mind and apply, so whoever fulfills these criteria should apply.

  • Age: 18 to 28 years
  • Height: Applicant must be 5 feet 7 inches tall
  • Chest::33 inches
  • Matriculation from any Govt Board is mandatory
  • It is important to run one and a half kilometers in seven minutes, so keep yourself fit
  • Before applying keep in mind that the applicant should not be involved in any illegal case.
  • And while applying, return test, interview, and medical test will be mandatory

Joining Process Punjab Police Security Job:

After applying, whoever will be shortlisted and they will get a reply. After replying, the joining process will start.

  • Joining candidates have to take a written test first as it is taken from compulsory subjects.
  • After clearing this test there is an interview sequence in which you have to clear an interview.
  • After clearing the interview, the next step is your medical test, so take care of your medical health care and keep yourself fit.
  • There is also a part in the medical that you have to run 1.7 km within seven minutes.

How to Apply to the Punjab Police Security Job?

Punjab police is the best government organization which runs different types of departments providing security any one of you is L of any job for example as a station assistant if you want to apply. So its criteria as well as a method to follow to apply:

The method of applying has been made very easy. You can apply in two ways if you have online knowledge and you fully meet the criteria of Punjab Police and in any job you want to apply. If yes, you can download the form from the official website, fill it up fill in all the criteria, and apply.

First of all, you have to select the jobs from the official website, after selecting, go to the portal of your respective job and fill in all the required items, then download the portal and fill it. You have to submit it.

Apart from this, there is another method if you want to apply then you must go to the main headquarters of Punjab Police in Lahore and apply from there.


  • Before applying it should be kept in mind that your criminal record is completely clean i.e. you are not involved in any kind of criminal case then apply.
  • Before applying you must have all the educational certificates including matric certificates.
  • It should be accompanied by passport-size photographs and domicile under the Punjab Department to be affixed.
  • First of all, you have to keep in mind that you have to apply within the due date and the things asked for.


Punjab Police is one of the important institutions of Pakistan which is playing its main role in the security of Punjab. It has different ranks and different grades if you want to apply to it then definitely apply which will make your career best support your family and also play an important role in serving your country.

That is, Punjab Police is a representative and one of the institutions of Pakistan.


1: What is the minimum age to apply iris in Punjab police?

You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for EZ Security in Punjab Police.

2:How much education is required to apply for a registration station in Punjab Police?

Must be at least Matriculation and Intermediate to apply.

3: What is the last date to apply for police?

The last date to apply is 25 April 2024.

4:Easy Security in Punjab Police?

The normal salary of Punjab Police Match Assistant starts from 30 thousand and the average is up to 90 thousand.

5 What is the work of the Station Assistant?

The Station Assistant handles all matters of extraction and acts as an officer with a whole team under him and provides security.


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