How do I get a job in 1122? 2024 Salary (30000-80000)||What is the salary package of Rescue 1122?||What is the age limit for 1122 jobs?


If you want to know the update about How do I get a job in 1122?  then we will give you an update about a new job that was recently announced by PTS for Rescue One Two jobs.

If you want to get updates about Rescue 1122 or 1122 jobs or new jobs of PTS then you will be guided in detail about all the jobs at this place.

PTS organization is advertising jobs for hardworking skilled and hard-working people because Rescue 1122 organization is on a contract basis so priority they have hard-working people.

What are the job announcements for the people? These jobs are opened at the district level.

Latest Jobs 2024

How do I get a job in 1122?

First Date 16 April 2024
Organization Rescue 1122
Location Karachi
Newspaper Down jobs
Job Type Full time
Education BA.BSC.DAE.MBBS.Bachelor.Intermediate

Rescue 1122 organization provides emergency services in different cities all over Pakistan, wherever there is an accident or any complicated issues, it performs its services there.

It is an excellent safety and security organization. and it works on a contract basis in different cities of the country, so only skilled, hardworking, educated, and knowledgeable people can work in it. It plays its role in events.

If you want to know the update about R then we will give you an update about a new job that was recently announced by PTS for Rescue One Two jobs.

If you want to get updates then you will be guided in detail about all the jobs at this place.

PTS organization is advertising jobs for hardworking skilled and hard-working people because Rescue 1122 organization is on a contract basis so priority they have hard-working people.

What are the job announcements for the people? These jobs are opened at the district level.

It is an example of service and it is a regular government institution, so it has different departments. In different departments, jobs are announced according to the criteria of different education and skills, like some jobs that are now available. Opened, I mentioned that:

  • Lead Fire Rescue
  •  IT Officer
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Emergency Officer
  • Office Assistant
  • Firefighter
  • Driving Supervisor
  • Clerk
  • Computer Operator
  • Fire fighting operator
  •  Wireless Operator
  • Control Room In-Charge
  • Shift In-Charge
  • Fire Rescue and Data Center Operator

All these jobs have been opened on a contract basis in different districts of Sindh, now anyone who wants to apply must apply for them.

What are the criteria to apply?

Rescue 1122 is a one-man representative organization and its job is to handle all kinds of different situations, so normally educated highly educated skilled, and hardworking people are selected for this organization.

It has been announced that among them Bachelor, Intermediate, B.S, DAE, MSC, BSC, BBA, etc. whose qualification is so much can apply and only they can join it. Along with education, a normal age between 25 to 28 years is best.

Rescue 1122 is a one-man representative organization and its job is to handle all kinds of different situations, so normally educated highly educated skilled, and hardworking people are selected for this organization.

Rescue 1122 jobs

The benefits of working at Rescue 1122 jobs:

Rescue One to Two is a security organization of Pakistan, that works to deal with various types of accidents and difficult situations. Can sponsor.

It is a matter of pride and honor to represent an organization of the best kind or to hold various posts in it which leads one on the path of development.

Apart from this, there is an opportunity to serve humanity and serve the country.

A person gains extreme experience in these types of cases and experiences how to handle a difficult watch.

And every day different events happen in different places, on which a person gets an opportunity to serve, through which he can serve his country and his people.

What is the function of a Rescue 1122 job?

Rescue 1122 is a safety agency of the Government of Pakistan that controls various types of accidents within the country i.e. goes to the accidents and provides assistance such as transporting patients to hospitals by ambulance in addition.

Assisting different types of patients within the country, in addition to arriving ahead of time in accidental cases within the country and saving people’s lives by arriving, and being at the forefront of peace and security in our country, is the responsibility of this institution. Main work.

Cities of Rescue 1122 Department?

  • Karachi
  • Benazir Abad
  • Mirpur Khas
  • Sanghar
  • tharparkar
  • Qambar
  • Shahdad Kot
  •  Hyderabad
  • Dadu
  • Larkana
  • Umarkot
  • Sukkur
  • Sindh

How do I apply for Rescue 1122 jobs?

If you meet all the requirements mentioned by PTS and want to apply for How do I get a job in 1122? , then the easiest way is to apply online.

  • The application form and deposit slip are available on the official website of PTS, from there you can download and fill them and apply to PTS.
  • Paid copies of the Challan form are to be sent along with the application form.
  • If you want to apply online, you can fill out the application form along with the deposit slip and submit it to the Fazal Haq Road Islamabad office with all the requirements.
  • The main thing is that you have to fill in all the things required in the form and also submit it before the last date i.e. before April 5th.
  • Govt employees can also apply for this job through proper channels but you will apply only one at a time.


This institution of PTS is playing a prominent role in the country in terms of service and emergency and it is known all over Pakistan for its work.

Has passion and intention to serve the people within his/her country for which this organization is the best no Allowances are the best place for your career with various facilities.


1. What is the last date to apply for a PTS case job?

June 5, 2024, is the last date.

2. What is the salary for Rescue 1122 jobs?

The basic salary of 1122 is from 30 thousand to 80 thousand.

3; Rescue 1122 is a government organization or private?

Rescue 1122 is a regular government institution, it is the best institution of the Government of Pakistan.



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